Posts with tag: "Cape Cod Wedding"
Tuesday, October 08, 2013
By Patricia Walsh Photography
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Sam & Ryan - Bournedale Function Facility

September 21, 2013

Sam has spent many hours helping brides plan their wedding day and when it came time for her's it was nothing short of perfect!  Sam & Ryan had picture perfect weather their wedding weekend which revolved around enjoying the nature and fun of Great Herring Pond.  Love letters in bottles on the edge of the sand, pretty shoreline to themselves, gorgeous splashes of early fall color on the ground made for a romantic setting.  Family and friends were asked to not pick a side but join together as one, like Sam & Ryan were joining together in marriage...sweet sentiment to start their new life.  I loved their balance of kindness, great sense of humor and a little attitude in Ryan's mohawk!  They are an amazing couple that we were lucky to meet and capture their perfect day, wishing them eternal happiness!







Saturday, August 10, 2013
By Patricia Walsh Photography
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Janna & Nick - Popponessett Inn

July 19, 2013

Gorgeous day for a Cape Cod wedding on the beach! It is always an honor to photograph someone's wedding day, but more special when it is a friend and another artist! Nick is a videographer and Janna is a teacher, both are fun, sweet, light hearted, caring people.  Janna and Nick planned for a laid back wedding where the most important part was being surrounded by their loved ones and sharing another memory together to cherish into the future. It was evident from each groomsmen making a toast to both Janna's Dad and sisters making toasts that these guys are really loved!!  Like their love story their wedding day was filled with sand, surf, love notes, vintage touches, Apple shout outs!, school buses, singing, sunshine, best friends, family, handmade details, dancing, laughs, and my favorite part ice cream!   

  • Reception:Popponessett Inn
  • Flowers: Lynn Morrissey
  • DJ: Scott Ripatrazone
  • Photobooth:Joanne Ripatrazone
  • Ice Cream Truck:Beth Lewis, Lewis Brothers Homemade Ice Cream
  • Liquor: Bully Boy Distillers
  • Cinematographer: Matt Johnson
  • Photographers: Patricia Walsh & Mark Slaven